
Monday, 17 June 2013

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

... not them. [A]

While the international media shows headlines like these:

Indian Govt's Phone, Internet Monitoring System is Chilling, Says Human Rights Watch
India Today Online. New Delhi, June 7, 2013 (See here)

Canada Says it Monitors Foreign Phone, Internet Traffic
David Ljunggren (Reuters). June 11, 2013 (See here)

German Spy Service Plans 'More Online Surveillance'
Yahoo News. AFP. June 16, 2013 (See here)

GCHQ 'Spied' on G20 Delegates
Google News. AFP. June 17, 2013 (See here)

In Australia, at one hand, we have:

Federal Police Spying on Phone and Internet Records
"Federal police are obtaining Australians' phone and internet records without warrants nearly 1000 times a week, it has emerged as controversy rages over a vast US surveillance program.
"Revelations in a recent Senate estimates hearing also include efforts by Australian Federal Police to access Facebook and Google data of the kind gathered under the US National Security Agency's controversial Prism program".
David Wroe (Defence Correspondent, SMH). June 11, 2013 (See here)

And, at the other hand:

AFP Failed to Probe BHP Bribery Claims
"Federal police made a 'critical decision' not to investigate criminal allegations that Australians working for BHP Billiton had bribed officials in Cambodia, China and Western Australia and instead handballed the case to the corporate regulator [i.e. ASIC], which also ran no probe". Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker (SMH). June 17, 2013 (See here).

So, my question is who are those guys actually investigating?


More local news:

Big Names Revealed in Offshore Tax Sweep
"A number of prominent Australians including captains of industry, politicians, philanthropists, developers, lawyers, accountants, criminals and entrepreneurs are set to become embroiled in one of the nation's most explosive tax investigations into offshore structures.
"This follows the leaking of a cache of data to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in Washington. Its stories have had worldwide ramifications and embarrassed business leaders and politicians across the globe. Now, a Fairfax investigation can reveal that more than 500 Australians feature in the 2.5 million documents".
Kate McClymont, Linton Besser and James Robertson (SMH). June 16, 2013 (See here and also here)

Readers may remember that the Australian Taxation Office could be the subject of parliamentary probing in the incoming Coalition Government (see here).


As, when it comes to investigation, our taxpayer-funded authorities seem to be busily pursuing their own priorities, maybe readers with some information should instead contact journalists.

Do you know more? Do you have a tip?

Image Credits:
[A] Author: Frederic Guimont. Free Art License (Copyright © Frederic Guimont) Original text was: rilasciata sotto Free Art license. Wikipedia.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Minitrue News Report.

Oceania achieved a glorious victory against a plusungood terrorist cell in Greece. The self-denominated Enemy Radical Terrorists (or ERT) was sabotaging the expansive fiscal contraction policies recommended by the Troika in its heroic efforts to aid the Greek people.

By disseminating duckspeak, the ERT was responsible for years of economic depression, deliberately targeting the Greek people.

Although it was not possible to contact Big Sister Merkel, who is busily devising ways to enhance the living conditions of her Greek subjects, we are pleased to congratulate her for this historical victory.

A few terrorists still offer some resistance from their secret bunkers. 


Minitrue, Minipax and the Thought Police may be launching similar actions against terrorist organizations in Australia (ABC) and the UK (BBC).


Paul Sheehan (Oceania Minitrue) courageously denounces ungood Edward Snowden, the traitor pursued by Thought Police for crimethought on behalf of Emmanuel Goldstein.


War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Misery is wealth.
Lie is truth.


Survivalism, from Nine Inch Nails' Year Zero album:

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


If you watch only one movie this year, you have no choice: watch "1984", directed by Michael Radford, with John Hurt (in the role of Winston Smith), Suzanna Hamilton (as Julia) and Richard Burton (as O'Brien).

Its official trailer: