
Thursday, 2 April 2020

Two Peas in a Pod.

These words were uttered today (13:17 AEDT) by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a conservative leader in the “centre-right, libertarian, conservative” Liberal Party of Australia and the first Evangelical to hold that job:
There are no more unions or bosses. There are just Australians now. That is all that matters. An Australian national interest and all Australians working together and I thank all of those who are coming together in that spirit and that will be very important as we move to put in place the arrangements that we are for this jobseeker program and the many things that relate to that.”
While this was Neil Wilson, a well-known MMT enthusiast and self-described leftist, a few days back (March 29, 2020 at 14:06):
Always worth remembering that bankers and capitalists are workers too. They work, earn and consume. And they also save a lot – which is part of the problem.”
You’ve heard the phrase “like two peas in a pod”, I trust.


To be fair, neither Wilson speaks for MMT nor his claptrap was accepted quietly by other MMT enthusiasts (example: Jerry Brown).

MMT founders explain that MMT is neither left-wing nor right-wing, it can be accepted by individuals of either persuasion. This means one needs to keep in mind that characters like Wilson exist and exercise care before accepting their self-proclaimed leftism.

Yes, I also trust you know what the term “false advertising” means.

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