
Saturday, 29 August 2020

Workers’ Mail: Climate Change, COVID-19 and Wage Theft.

“As we reconstruct our economy after the pandemic we have an opportunity to build a stronger, fairer economic framework that includes a credible and coherent plan on climate change and energy. In rebuilding our economy from the COVID crisis it is critical that job creation efforts also reduce emissions and keep Australians safe from the devastating impacts of bushfires and climate change.” - Michele O'Neil, President, Australian Council of Trade Unions
The ACTU, as part of the Australian Climate Roundtable, has issued the statement “Far-Reaching Climate Change Risks to Australia Must be Reduced and Managed”, among other things, calling the Morrison Government to adopt a net-zero emissions target for 2050.

Comrades O'Neil and McManus, keep up the good work!


For the workers
Workers have carried Australia through the pandemic.
We need politicians to realise that workers are the hidden heroes of this crisis.
(Sign the petition and/or join your union)

“Employers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who exploit workers (including, or especially, from within their own ethnic communities) and then come before the Court and seek to rely on their own alleged ignorance of workplace laws or foreign cultural norms to mitigate any penalties that need to be applied when they are finally caught out”. - Judge John O’Sullivan, Federal Circuit Court.
The Fair Work Ombudsman secured a payment of $38,458 to 27 employees who had been underpaid by their employer. In addition, the employer was imposed penalties for $276,929, for deliberately breaching the law.

FWO took the case to court. That quote was part of Judge O’Sullivan’s decision. Two groups should read that quote carefully: (1) pro-business spokespeople (including apologists for mum-and-dad capitalists) and (2) identitarian Leftists.

To contact the Fair Work Ombudsman:
  • Website
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  • Facebook
  • Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 for free advice and assistance (free interpreter service is available on 13 14 50).

Identity politics makes for strange bedfellows, yes?

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