
Tuesday, 27 October 2020

The Most Important Election in Our Lifetime.

I suppose there’s no need to explain to Democratic Party supporters at home – and sympathisers and well-wishers further afield – why these presidential and Congress elections are the most important in their lifetimes.

But the thing is that Trump supporters also believe these elections are the most important in their lifetimes. Why? Well, suffice it to say that a Biden/Harris victory, God forbid, will usher in socialism. It’s in the Bible, people!

You see, “progressive” – Republican propagandists tell their Latino supporters – is a codeword for “socialist”. Hugo Chávez (from Venezuela), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Gustavo Petro (Colombia) and Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela) all use progressive as a synonym of socialist: progresista = socialista.

The proof? Joe Biden is mates with Bernie Sanders (you know, the old bloke who is Satan and Stalin reincarnate). Black Lives Matter and antifa, for Christ’s sake!


Absurd? Of course it is (much to my chagrin).

Indeed, last year, failed centrist Democratic pre-candidate Peter Buttigieg put it best:

Too bad many didn’t hear him, in the first place, and those who did forgot all about it.


Now, Democratic supporters may say that it takes a Trump supporter to believe that kind of crap (Dems used to believe that only white people were Trump supporters). Dems are above that, because, suffice it to say, a Trump/Pence victory, God forbid, will really usher in fascism. It’s in the Bible, people! The proof? Proud Boys!


False equivalence? Well, maybe. Frankly, I don’t care enough to argue otherwise. My feeling is that both sides are being played for fools, for American elections, as far as I am aware, have always been the most important in history and they will always be the most important in history. 
I don’t see Dems as naturally immune to fearmongering.

And because American socialists aren’t  immune either, they can be persuaded to support centrist candidates: a centrist defeat in these elections will signal apocalypse.
As long as American socialists swallow that tripe, there will be no American socialism.


Don’t get me wrong, I believe a Biden/Harris victory seems likely and I would prefer it. At least they acknowledge the need for climate change action (their watered down Green New Deal) and have pledged to cut CO2 emissions, although hearing Joe Biden waxing lyrical about natural gas as a permanently transitional fuel and reneging from the need to stop fracking does not fill me with confidence.

It’s a little bit better than what our piece of shit Prime Minister has in store for us. 


I am a big fan of Leigh “The One That Karate-Chopped Sarah (Huckabee Sanders) in Adam’s Apple” Sales. Give these bastards hell, fearsome red headed Aussie chick! :-)

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