
Tuesday, 3 November 2020

So, How About Latino Voters?


It’s about 1530 AEST (November 14). According to the ABC coverage of the US elections, things in Florida don’t seem to be going the way the Biden/Harris campaign would have liked. And it seems, too, it all boils down to the Latino vote.

David Speers explained that there is no such things as a monolithic Latino vote. It’s well-known that many different Spanish-speaking communities compose the American Latino community and to identify all of them with Trump would risk exposing them all to opprobrium from Trump’s opponents. He appears to identify that Latino vote for Trump with Cubans in Florida.

Well, he might be right. Besides, it’s too early to say and things may still change (as it may still happen with Arizona, where Biden is leading). [Indeed, I would have liked if anyone had taken the trouble, in 2016, to make the same points about the much maligned “(white) working class”].

But CNN, based on exit polls, identify a Latino shift towards Trump/Pence in several battleground states (see screen capture above). In Georgia and Ohio, where Cubans are not a majority of Latino voters, Biden scored only 25% and 24% of their vote, respectively. In 2016 Hillary Clinton scored 40% and 41% in both states.

And Michael Rowland just commented that things aren’t going great for the Dems in the race for the Senate.

Let me repeat: it’s too early to say, but on this light, the stability of the POC doesn’t look well, does it?


A guest from the ABC, Reverend Stephanie Spellers, from NY – I think – explained that the strength of the US is due to the forceful expropriation of Native American land, to the slave labour of African Americans and of Asian Americans.

Apparently, the unpaid labour of other categories of workers – including the “(white) working class” – did not contribute at all to the strength of the United States.


I work ungodly hours. It’s time for me to go to bed. Good luck, American identitarian Leftists.

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