
Friday, 7 May 2021

“If I Don’t Steal Your Home, Someone Else Will”.


People talk a lot about settler states. Well, that’s how things happen in the State of Israel and at least in Australia, the “conversation” (as the educated like to say) on settler states never seems to mention Israel.

Indeed, with the partial exception of SBS, not a peep from the Australian media, particularly from the ABC. Nada, zip.

But SBS is not entirely faultless. They did report that Human Rights Watch accused Israeli authorities of an apartheid regime that persecutes Palestinians, for example. To provide a balanced account they also gave Australian supporters of Israel the opportunity to express their point of view.

But if SBS contacted any Palestinian-Australians or their supporters, their side of the story was not reported.


There is only a single, simple question I’d like to ask those brave, righteous, educated, professional, relatively affluent, racial equality fighters in Australia and in the US we see every day on our TV screens: Do Palestinian lives matter? I mean, like, to you, personally?

No need to answer.

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