
Friday, 15 October 2021

Bits and Pieces: Images. (Updated)

Lately, the media has shown images of many people posing as workers.


Anyone, however, can wear a hi-viz vest and a hard hat for a photo opportunity. That doesn’t make of them a worker, much less a working class hero.

This is how a working class hero looks like:


He has neither face nor name. People know Caesar, not the legionnaires – let alone the porters, blacksmiths or cooks – who crossed the Rubicon with him. We are no more than human cogs in an extremely complex social machine. That’s our identity.

That bloke you see in the photo is there fighting for himself and his family, for his workmates. Chances are he is not aware of it, but he – an anonymous part of an immensely large majority of anonymous humanity –  is fighting for humanity itself. And if he has to stand there alone, he’ll stand there alone. Rain will not stop him.

In solidarity with Kellogg Union on strike in Omaha, Nebraska, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. #KelloggStrike


In spite of COVID19 restrictions in Victoria and New South Wales and the ACT, the climate kids made me proud, as always. Al images from #theyoutharerising:

Perth, WA (source)
Adelaide, SA (source)

Alice Springs, NT (source)
Thank you kids, for giving an old man some hope.



A number of unions have long supported the School Strike 4 Climate.

Now I am proud to announce that the ACTU is adding the combined voice of the Australian union movement in support of climate action. 
Australian workers can sign the Megaphone team petition (see above) and those more up-to-date than me in communication tech can register for ACTU Virtual Climate Change Rally (Thursday, 21 October, 1pm AEDT). Michele O’Neil (ACTU President) and Professor Leslie Hughes (Distinguished Professor of Biology and Pro-Vice Chancellor at Macquarie University), among others, will be speaking.

The ACTU curates a collection of climate change fact sheets and resources which may be particularly interesting to workers and unionists.

So, you always wanted to know what is Extinction Rebellion but were afraid to ask. This is what they are.
New NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet announced today that quarantine for fully-vaccinated international travellers will be abolished from November. With that he removed the last excuse Scotty from Marketing had to go to Glasgow. So, our beloved “leader” will attend COP26.

So far, however, he has nothing – beyond his bullshitting prowess –  to take there: no plan, no new targets. Nada. You see, he outsourced eventual plan and targets to the National Party, the minor COALition partner. Next Sunday they shall decide what, if anything, Scotty will be taking to COP26: the tail wagging the dog.
Today is Sunday, October 17th.

The Nationals are scheduled to meet later today. They hold a loaded gun – that Scotty from Marketing handed them – to the head of Australia’s contribution to climate action. And they will decide what, if anything, Scotty will be taking to Glasgow and the ransom Aussies will have to pay them in exchange. That, assuming they don’t prefer to murder the hostage.

COP26 will convene in 15 days.

In Joe Biden’s US a not dissimilar situation is developing. Joe Manchin (as Tina Turner could have said, one of the fossil fuels industry’s “private dancers”) is as deadset against climate change action as Matt “Taliban” Canavan (National Party) and Joel Fitzgibbon (Australian Labor Party) are.


If you suspect there is cold, repressed anger in my words, you are not mistaken.

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