
Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Will Wonders Never Cease!

Or WTF!?

Who knew! Much to the disgust of Matt “Taliban of Coal” Canavan and the COALition deniers, it seems like Scotty from Marketing may actually set a date for net zero emissions. He might even go to Glasgow, after all: Prince Charles asked.

Don’t believe me?

I know, it’s hard to believe. So, if you’re standing, sit down. If you’re already sitting down, be careful not to fall from the chair on your bum. Brace yourself for the surprise.

First the Business Council of Australia turned their back on climate change denialism, after claiming two years ago that climate change action would bring unmitigated disaster. Now the Murdoch press-titute got all enthusiastic about climate change action! Believe it or not.

And Kevin Rudd, who – together with Malcolm Turnbull – knows how to hold a grudge, is rubbing their noses on the shit. He collected old front pages to compare them with The Daily Tory-graph and The Courier Mail latest:




Imagine one of those unwanted puppies charities like RSPCA puts for “adoption”. After a long and anxious wait, one day the puppy gets adopted. Oh joy! Life seems good. 

Human fickleness being what it is, however, one day things change and the puppy is no longer wanted and finds itself back again into charity care. One day, you feel loved and welcome, the next you are nothing. If you were that puppy, it would hurt you, wouldn’t it?

“The Taliban of Coal” is going through a similar situation. No wonder he is having a meltdown on Twitter.

The difference with Canavan is that dogs cannot understand what is going on. Canavan can. Dogs may not have a sense of self worth. Canavan has. 

And he can feel resentment 

That’s why he went all fake bolshie, attacking one of Oz-land’s richest – but not coal mining – mining magnates:


Matt, let me paraphrase Boy George, if you really want to hurt him, if you really want to make him cry, start a campaign to expropriate Fortescue Metals.


There’s more. Betrayed by his masters, Canavan is seeking now another adoption: the once despised working class. Oh, Matt, how you have fallen. 

After launching his “worker chic” look, Canavan, the working class hero wannabe, wants us to believe he knows what is good for us:


Well, show your bona fides, Matt. After expropriating all mining companies turn their ownership to those workers you suddenly, unexpectedly, care so much about. Ah! But you don’t really want that, do you? Your new-found love for the workers does not go that far.


Think about it. Canavan on the one hand, and the Murdoch propaganda machine and the BCA, on the other, are now on opposing sides. It doesn’t take a genius to guess who’ll win in that fight and Matt knows it.

So, Scotty may have to set a net zero target and even go to Glasgow.

But that’s not what I find really interesting in this and what I would like to draw to the readers’ attention. We know that Scotty will not contribute anything positive to COP26. This episode is certainly humiliating to Canavan (thus, his pain and anger, his feeling of betrayal), but Scotty’s (and Murdoch and the BCA’s) conversion is no more than a con job.

What I find most interesting is the clear and evident and irrefutable and conclusive demonstration of both sides’s shamelessness and cynicism and dishonesty.

The same shit, different piles.
Morrison’s Australia should be declared a pariah state. The international community should establish sanctions against Government officials.

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