
Monday, 1 November 2021

Schadenfreude. (Updated)


So, it happens … again.

Hours after Scotty from Marketing came out explaining how his infallible personal charm had mended diplomatic relations with France (“I said g’day, I said g’day”), Emmanuel Macron said in front of the cameras, for all to hear and see, that he knows Scotty lied to him.


A first reaction is to say “well, d’uh”. That’s no news.

A second reaction is to admit that – however justified – that first reaction is superficial. It ignores, for example, the sheer spectacularity of Macron’s rebuke.

But there’s more. Last Thursday Scotty called Macron. This time the latter took the call. To repair diplomatic relations Macron demanded “tangible actions” from Australia: among other things, for Morrison’s Australia to ramp up her pledges for COP26 and “to cease production and consumption of coal at the national level and abroad”.

That’s not what Scotty took to Rome and it’s not what he is taking to Glasgow. The only things Scotty put in his suitcase were his “charm”, the slogan “technology, not taxes”, a plan of dubious existence, spin and ill-faith.

Morrison’s Australia travelled to Europe with the goal of wrecking efforts to keep global warming under 1.5ºC. That was Dan Tehan’s mission; that’s what Angus Taylor wants as he goes around promoting Australian gas.


A third reaction comes from the likes of Greg Sheridan (a Murdoch-press propagandist paid to praise Scotty come what may). Macron’s reaction, Sheridan said at The Drum, is mere grandstanding for French domestic consumption and it diminishes Macron.

It may be grandstanding, Greg, and it may even diminish Macron, although I can’t see why. However, all that is irrelevant. Macron said what is evident. 

People call that the truth, Greg.



Morrison’s Australia doesn’t need to be a large emitter in absolute terms to wreck Glasgow. It’s enough for Morrison’s Australia to set an example: We could do plenty, but refuse to do anything; instead, we will do our best to get a free ride, to gain at everybody’s expense.

For Morrison’s Australia it’s enough to provide cover for the likes of Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil, Volodya Putin’s Russia, Narendra Modi’s India, and Xi Jinping’s China. Morrison’s Australia allows them to say: The rich do nothing to keep warming under 1.5ºC, why should we?

Scotty may well succeed.


It’s not the first time things like that happen to Scotty. He may or not be a slow learner. What’s certain is that he refuses to learn. Remember this?


It may not be much comfort, but if seeing Scotty exposed is all the comfort I get, I’m ready to take it.


Update (November 2nd): Less than 48 hours after claiming he was mending relations with France, Scotty hits back at Macron:

“I think the statements that were made questioning Australia's integrity [i.e. Macron’s “I know that Scott Morrison lied”], and the slurs that had been placed on Australia — not me, I've got broad shoulders, I can deal with that — but those slurs, I’m not going to cop sledging of Australia," Mr Morrison said.
“I'm not going to cop that on behalf of other Australians.
“I can deal with whatever people throw at me. But Australia has a proud record when it comes to our defence capability.”
Scotty just can’t help himself. It’s spin and spin: It’s not us, Scotty. It’s you

Macron did not attack Australia.

Nobody can accuse you of being too clever, Scotty, but you aren’t so stupid to not understand that. 

Don’t hide behind us. Act like a man. Quit the spin for once in your life. And don’t count on my solidarity.

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