
Saturday, 19 February 2022

Fake it Till you Make it.

It’s becoming de rigueur among COALition pollies to pretend they are workers.

That’s Scotty from Marketing cosplaying as a welder:


While making a stop at Alice Springs Scotty decided that posing like a welder would make for a good photo opportunity.

The tradie who was with him may have had his doubts, if one believes reports of the event. Scotty, however, assured him he knew what he was doing: “I’ve done this before, in the Hunter”.

The problem is that it defeats the whole purpose of a photo opportunity to have your face covered by a safety mask. So Scotty decided to lift the mask. Genius!


Scotty may be a particularly unfortunate adopter of the fake worker fashion, but he ain’t the first.


That bloke there is Matt Taliban. Matt got himself an orange shirt and his face haphazardly smeared with Thin Lizzy dark skin to pretend he’s not really a pollie paid over $200K a year (not counting super and allowances) doing whatever it is pollies do, but actually a miner just emerging from a twelve-hour shift underground.


Former Australian of the Year Grace Tame copped a lot of flak lately for images like this:


That day Tame attended an event hosted by Scotty and it was clear she wasn’t happy.

But, really, can you actually blame her?

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