
Thursday, 28 September 2023

Karma (Updated).

But… but… but… we know that there is no such a thing as a Ukrainian Nazi. It’s an impossibility. It’s been scientifically proven that something in Ukrainian DNA makes them inborn anti-Nazi, democrats, liberals.

Besides, President Goloborodko is Jewish, people!

Justin Trudeau and this bloke, Anthony Rota, are fools playing into Putin’s hand. They are falling for conspiracy theories. Ask ABC journos.


That kind of thing happens whenever the cynic pragmatist acts all sanctimonious. You can’t moralise and believe that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” at the same time. There is a contradiction. Shock horror!

You’ve got to choose, either one or the other, but not both.

Albo is setting himself up for a world of embarrassment. Mark my words.


Update (30/09/2023)
Quotable Quotes

I can remember going to have lunch at his [Rupert Murdoch’s] home in the hills outside LA and just to sit there and watch him eat lamb chops was quite an honour — Graham Richardson, as quoted here.
I guess the honour could only have been surpassed if he had watched as the lamb chops emerged from Murdoch’s other end the next day.

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