Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The CIA Goes Green (!?)

A few weeks ago, I mentioned this statement by the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey:
"Australia runs as a meritocracy. We earn rewards based on merit and effort".

One of the richest Australians, billionaire Clive Palmer, was quoted today by ABC News in these terms:
"Queensland businessman Clive Palmer has accused green groups of being funded by America's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
"Mr Palmer has referred to a paper produced by environmental group Greenpeace which calls for action to stop the expansion of the Queensland coal industry.
"He says it is tantamount to treason.
" 'This is a serious matter indeed because it goes to the political independence of all Australians', Mr Palmer said". (See here)

The Fairfax Media Online (Brisbane Times):
"While brandishing a copy of the report this afternoon, Mr Palmer said it was the result of a CIA conspiracy involving the US-based Rockefeller Foundation.
" 'This is funded by the CIA,' he said.
" 'You only have to go back and read ... the report to the US Congress that sets up the Rockefeller Foundation as a conduit of CIA funding'.
" 'You only have to look at the secret budget which was passed by Congress last year - bigger than our whole national economy - with the CIA to ensure that'.
" 'You only have to read the reports to US Congress where the CIA reported to the president that their role was to ensure the US competitive advantage - that's how you know it's funded by the CIA'." (See here)
Updated on 21-03-2012: Fairfax Media video link.


You be the judge, or see here for more comedy-grade political debate.

Oh, man! You've gotta love this march:

21-03-2012.  The comedy continues!

Asked last night about Palmer's comment, federal opposition leader Tony Abbott, the man whose self-professed place is not to defend some of the richest people in Australia, said:
" 'He's a larger-than-life character and I think when he says that the Greens want to stop the coal industry he's absolutely right - of course the Greens want to stop the coal industry,' Mr Abbott told Channel 10". (See here)

I can't blame him for that, though: Palmer is known of his donations to the QLD and federal opposition.

Still reading from ABC News:
"A CIA spokesman has told the ABC via email that the claims are wrong.
" 'Simply put, these allegations are false,' he said"
. (See above link)
And who is this unnamed spokesman? -one might feel tempted to ask the ABC journalist. I guess he can't be named: that would be top secret!

But the fun doesn't stop there, no siree Bob!

Drew Hutton, an environmentalist and QLD Green big-wig named by Palmer, is considering to sue Palmer for defamation:
"Queensland Greens founder Drew Hutton plans to sue billionaire Clive Palmer, saying the mining magnate has accused him of treason. (...)
"The Greens were being funded by 'an offshore political power' and that was tantamount to treason, Mr Palmer said.
" 'Treason is a capital offence in many countries,' Mr Hutton said. 'As a proud Australian, I am disgusted by these bizarre and dishonest allegations'."
(See here)
So, what's the fun in that? Well, Palmer himself has initiated his fair share of law suits. (See here and here)

Just to celebrate, click once more the YouTube link above!


25-03-2012. I'm one of Annabel Crabb's biggest fans. The ABC Online's political writer, now apparently back to Fairfax Media's stable, is great fun to read.

Her pieces are always witty and, frankly, I often end up laughing my ass off with them.

But she is also perceptive. She notes that we don't hear much about BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Xstrata these days.

She's right. We don't hear much about these 3 "behemoths", and least of all from federal Treasurer, Wayne Swan, who's focused on Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest and Clive Palmer.

At one hand, that's understandable: the 3 Aussie gazillionaires have their own way of making themselves the centre of attention.

But is there more to it than that? "That's because they [BHP Billiton's Marius Kloppers, Rio Tinto's Tom Albanese, and Xstrata's Mick Davis] got what they wanted", says Annabel.

She might be onto something here. See my observation:
"Of course, you don't expect Swan to acknowledge the ministry he's a part of exemplifies the inordinate level of influence those vested interests exert, do you?" (here)
Maybe I should have added unmentioned to the "those vested interests" bit.

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