Wednesday 27 September 2017

"Lord Keynes" got a Reader!

Dedicated to Hedlund,:-)

J. Barkley Rosser seems less than impressed by the online scholarship mushrooming around the second-coming of Our Lord … Keynes. Upon discovering it, Rosser swiftly returned the post Keynesian/Kaldorian church membership card he never applied for:


Rosser is not the first to react that way. Indeed, at least another real-life scholar before him had the chance of marvelling with the wonders that anonymous intellectual produces. A little over three years ago the late Frederic S. Lee also found him/her/them/it over the blogosphere and left a comment to a "Lord Keynes" peer-reviewed "paper":

(source: scroll down)

While Rosser comments on this Wikipedia entry Lee's observation was referred to this other equally authoritative one, where readers can still be educated by another of m'lord's creations. Otherwise, both comments seem largely concurrent.


Professor Rosser did not comment on this, so I think he did not notice that "Lord Keynes", on top of being a self-appointed post Keynesian star, is also a promoter of the race-realist, human biodiversity-inspired Alt Left, Realist Left, or however they choose to call themselves. Judge by yourself.

29/09/2017. Come to think of it, Rosser's "apostasy" may have unexpectedly deep roots. Back in 2001 he argued against a dogma fundamental to Keynes' truest apostles: Keynesian fundamental uncertainty. Rosser did not mention her by name but, in retrospect, he was writing about a topic your infidel correspondent finds interesting: the nefarious Confidence Fairy and how her mischievous presence would render Keynesian fiscal policies fundamentally unpredictable.

To doubt Our Lord's infallible words as expressed in his Most Sacred Book! Imagine that.


  1. Even after all this time, it still cheers me to see that racist lunatic being snubbed by the very people he claims for his camp. Thanks for the thought.

    1. Thanks for the thought

      No worries, mate!

      The following saying is usually attributed to Abraham Lincoln:

      You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

      Although its real origin seems to be uncertain[*], I think there's more than a kernel of truth in it.

      It's a matter of having patience, I suppose.


  2. hahaha totally loved it dude
    -- the (oo) *<8D
